
Chaos and Orks Battle it Out (Fantasy)

Battle Report

Battle Type: Warhammer Fantasy
Mission Type: Recon
Points: 1,000
Forces Involved: Orcs (Attacker)
Chaos (Defender)
A Campaign game… Orcs are trying to expand their kingdom borders. The forces of Chaos have risen to prevent them.

Turn 1


Units advanced. Orcs dispelled Red fire Tzeench spell.

Some Orc warriors failed the animosity check. Orcs and Night Goblins advanced. The Orc stone thrower killed a single Chaos Warrior.

Turn 2

Units moved into position to strike. The Orcs dispelled the Tzeench Red Fire spell again; however the Aspiring Champion of Slanesh had a “book of secrets.” Fried 3 Night Goblins with the Fiery Blast Spell. The Chaos Sorcerer in the unit of Marauders also killed 3 Night Goblins with the “Dark hand of Death” spell. All damaged units passed the LD tests.

An Orc chariot charges the Chaos Warriors. The Tzeench Aspiring Champion chooses to flee to draw the Orc chariot in for a counter attack. Chaos Warriors escape. The rest of the green hoard advanced. The Orc stone thrower targeted the Marauders this turn…killing 2.

Turn 3

The Tzeench warriors recovered and the Chariot of Slanesh charged the Orc boar chariot. The Orc chariot attempted to flee however did not escape and was destroyed, however this brought the Slanesh chariot into range of the Night Goblin Fanatics. 6 fanatics from 2 units of night goblins flew toward the Slanesh chariot. 1 hit causing a wound to the chariot. The Chaos sorcerer’s magic failed this turn.

Some of the fanatics fly through the Slanesh chariot again…this time they hit the Aspiring Champion and kill him. Other fanatics wasted 4 Orc “Big-Un’s,” and 2 Night Goblins. The other Night Goblin unit failed the animosity check and advanced through the path of the fanatic but was miraculously un-injured. The Night Goblins charged the Slanesh chariot. The chariot killed 2 goblins and was not damaged however it lost the combat resolution. It passed the LD test however. The Orc stone-thrower fired at, and hit the Chaos Warriors killing 7 of the 12 including the Tzeench Aspiring Champion. They passed the LD test.

Turn 4

The remaining 4 warriors charged into the night goblins. A tremendous failure… they inflicted no casualties. The Chariot killed 1 goblin, and the goblins killed one chaos warrior causing the Chaos side lost by combat resolution again… this time the Chaos Warriors failed the Leadership test and tried to run away… they were run down by the goblins. The chariot escaped however. The Daemonettes of Slanesh charged the Orc warriors but were short by about an inch… the charge failed. The Marauders poised to counter charge if the Daemonettes were charged. The Chaos Sorcerer’s magic failed again.

A night goblin flew into the Marauders unit killing several off. The Boar Rider and the Orcs charge the Daemonettes… they tried to run but did not escape and were destroyed by the Orc’s. The 2nd Night Goblin unit charged into the flank of the Marauders. The Marauders stood and fought. The first unit of goblins charged the fleeing chariot forcing it to run off the board.

At this point with no less than 2 regiments of Orcs about to strike the last remnants of the Marauders the Chaos player conceded defeat.

The Orcs had all but exterminated the Chaos forces. They captured 2 territories.

Noteworthy Deeds:
The unpredictable Night Goblin Fanatics killed almost as many Orcs as they did Chaos, but managed to cause Chaos a fair amount of grief.

by BigJ

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